‘’Thank you so much for such a special afternoon. It has been truly wonderful. What a lovely way to capture the children’s time here and mark their achievements. L has had such an amazing time in early years and its really helped to prepare him for school. He has really enjoyed celebrating his graduation with his friends and the smile on his face says it all. Staff have been amazing, so child centred and inclusive – making it a fab afternoon for us all. PS I think the magician has been a huge hit!’’
J&D Massey
‘’The loveliest afternoon! All the children have had the best time, M has been so excited.’’
O. Thompson
‘’Absolutely fabulous!
So many gorgeous little touches. Thank you for everything, you’re an amazing team and N just loves you all.’’
‘’Such a beautiful event and very grateful for all the staff. You have all been amazing with both kids and supporting me for the last 5 years. Will miss this nursery very much.’’
Children settle quickly into this warm and welcoming environment. Babies respond to staff's very genuine smiles and cheery 'good mornings' by putting their arms out to be held. Older children rush to hang their bags and coats up and join their friends.
Children show a can-do attitude to their learning and a determination to succeed. Older children experiment with mixing food colouring into water. They talk excitedly about the swirling water and the changes to the colours. Children show precise and meticulous attention to detail. They carefully squeeze pipettes until the tubes are full of water. Children concentrate intently as they squeeze the liquid into small bottles. The look of delight on children's faces as they achieve their goals is a joy to see.
Children show high levels of respect for each other. They welcome children into their ongoing play, happy to share the resources and explain what is happening. This develops children's confidence and self-esteem as they understand that they are valued and their contributions to the play are essential. Staff are very gentle as they explain to younger children about taking turns and sharing resources. They talk to children about feelings, enabling children to understand the impact of their behaviour on others.
Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is a key feature of the nursery. The management team and staff work in close partnership with parents and a wide range of other professionals to ensure that children get the individual support they need.
The management team and staff have a secure understanding of their responsibilities to protect children. They know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about children's welfare, including protecting children from extremist views. The management team and staff ensure that the premises are secure at all times, and any potential hazards to children's safety are identified and minimised. Robust recruitment procedures ensure that only those suitable to work with children do so. Staff teach children to keep themselves safe. For example, when out and about in the local community, they teach children how to use different types of crossings and look and listen for vehicles.